Terms and Conditions

1. Introduction

Welcome to Product Delights Subscription. By using our product management services ("the Services"), you agree to these Terms of Service ("Terms"). 

2. Subscription Services

Product Delights offers product management services on a subscription basis. Our services include various offerings as described in detail on our website.

3. User Account

To access our services, you may need to create a user account. Upon your first payment, you will receive login information and/or invitations to the services we use to manage your subscription. You are responsible for keeping your account information confidential and for all activities that occur under your account.

4. Payment, Billing, Cancellation, and Refund

4.1 Subscription Fees

Fees for our subscription services are billed on a recurring basis. We bill you in advance for the use of the service.

4.2 Payment Processor

We accept payments through Stripe, our payment processor. You must provide a valid payment method to use our services.

5. Tasks

5.1 What is a Task?

A task is a product management task that the customer can request from us by submitting a task description. This includes any product management task within the scope of services offered by Product Delights.

5.2 Scope of Task

The scope of an individual task is limited to what can reasonably be completed within two working days. A task can be a component of a larger project or a more extensive task. If we determine that the size and complexity of a task exceed what can be completed within a 48-hour period, we will suggest that the customer breaks down the task into smaller, more manageable parts.

5.3 Task Delivery

We commit to delivering each task within 48 hours after receiving an approved task description from the customer. This 48-hour period applies only to weekdays and excludes weekends and British bank holidays. The customer is responsible for providing clear instructions and necessary specifications for the task. If the task is not adequately described, we reserve the right to make our own interpretation or to request further information and clarifications from the customer.

In general tasks will be delivered within 48 hours for simple and standard tasks. More complex tasks will be delivered within 2 to 7 business days. We will update you on the progression of the tasks in a timely manner.

5.4 Task Description

The customer is responsible for providing a detailed and clear task description for each task. The task description must contain sufficient information for us to successfully perform the task. The task description can be in the form of text, images, links, screenshots, sketches, mockups, wireframes, videos, or other types of material that can help us understand the task. The task description may include instructions, requirements, and specifications for the task.

5.5 Revisions

The customer is entitled to an unlimited number of revisions for each task as part of the ongoing subscription. A revision is a request for modification of a task that has already been delivered. A revision has the same limitations as a task covered by 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4. Each new requested revision will require a new 48-hour delivery period.

5.6 Customer's Responsibility

The customer has the full responsibility to effectively manage their task backlog and tasks that are currently in progress. This means that the customer should actively approve completed tasks, request revisions when necessary, and initiate new tasks. Effective management and communication from the customer's side are crucial for a smooth and successful work process.

5.7 Start of Delivery Period

The 48-hour delivery period begins immediately when we receive a task with a task description from the customer, and the task has been activated as an active task by the customer. If we find that the task description does not meet the requirements specified in sections 5.2 and 5.4, we reserve the right to ask for additional information or clarifications. In these cases, the delivery period starts when an approved task description has been received from the customer.

5.8 Interruption, Moving, and Reprioritisation of Task

The customer can at any time cancel an ongoing task. The customer can also at any time move an active task back to the backlog, thereby pausing the task. With each change in the status of an ongoing task, we reserve the right to restart the 48-hour delivery period.

6. Subscription Pause Feature

Customers have the option to pause their subscription at any time by contacting us or using the pause feature in our payment processor, Stripe. When the subscription is paused, the remaining days of the current subscription period will be preserved and can be used at a later date. A paused subscription can remain in this state for a maximum of one (1) year. After this time interval, if the subscription has not been resumed, the saved subscription days are considered forfeited. Only one (1) pause and one (1) resumption of the subscription per a 30-day period is allowed.

7. Transfer of Ownership and Copyright

Upon successful completion and delivery of the work under this subscription service, all ownership rights and copyrights for the delivered materials are transferred to the customer. 

This transfer means that the customer acquires exclusive rights to use, modify, distribute, sell, and display the material for all purposes, without restrictions. The customer acknowledges that upon transfer, Product Delights relinquishes all legal claims to originality, use, and distribution of these materials, effectively giving the customer full ownership and creative control. 

It should be noted that this transfer does not include any existing intellectual property belonging to Product Delights or third parties, which may have been used or incorporated into the finally delivered materials.

8. Our Right to Changes in Service and Terms

We reserve the right to make changes to our subscription services and these terms as necessary. All such changes will be preceded by adequate advance notice to our customers to ensure transparency and give customers the opportunity to adjust to the changed terms. Customers will be given reasonable time to make necessary adjustments or decisions about continued use of the service. In the event of significant changes that may affect the customer's use or value of the service, customers will have the option to either accept the new terms or terminate their subscription with the right to a pro-rata refund for the remaining part of the subscription period.

9. Our Right to Termination and Refund

We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to cancel or pause the customer's subscription if necessary. In the event of a cancellation, Product Delights will refund the customer for the remaining part of the paid subscription period. 

In the event of a pause, the customer has the option to terminate the subscription with a pro-rata refund for the remaining part of the subscription period. Customers will be notified of such changes in writing well in advance of the interruption or pause. No detailed explanation is required for such action, but we strive to act in good faith and with consideration of our customers' interests.

10. Non-Compete Clause

Product Delights commits not to directly or indirectly engage in any business activities with customers our customers work with who have become known to us exclusively through the assignments, tasks, and inquiries we have received, provided that these customers have had an active business relationship with our customers within the last two (2) years. We will not actively seek, offer services to, or otherwise establish business relationships with such customers, where knowledge of their relationship to our own customers is based solely on information obtained through our business relationship with our customers. This time limitation aims to balance the protection of our customers' interests with reasonable and fair business practices. This obligation applies during the time of the subscription and continues to apply for one (1) year after the subscription has ended.

11. Right to Display Delivered Work

Product Delights commits to respecting and protecting our customers' confidentiality and trade secrets. We reserve the right to share and display our work on digital platforms, including social media, our website, and other similar channels, under the following conditions:

11.1 With Customer Consent

We will only share and discuss work that includes the customer or the customer's clients if we have obtained specific written consent from the customer. This consent should include clear details about which work is to be shared and on which platforms it will be displayed.

11.2 Anonymous Work

For work that does not contain specific details that can be used to identify the customer or the customer's client, we reserve the right to share this work without the requirement for prior consent.

11.3 Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

The customer has the right to issue a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) between themselves and Product Delights to protect particularly sensitive work. Such an agreement will regulate the use and sharing of work and may override our right to publicly share or discuss the client's work according to the terms of the NDA.

12. Data Protection and Privacy

Customer data is handled with strict confidentiality and in accordance with data protection regulations.

13. Dispute Resolution

In the event of any disputes, we first strive to resolve these through direct negotiation. If a dispute cannot be resolved, it will be settled by arbitration in the jurisdiction where Product Delights is located.

14. Termination

Both parties have the right to terminate the subscription at any time. This can be done by a party without the need to state any specific reason and takes effect immediately after notification to the other party.

15. Usage Limitations

Customers are expected to use our services in accordance with all applicable laws and ethical standards. This means that customers should avoid any use that may involve infringement of third-party rights, including but not limited to copyright and trademark infringements, or other actions that are contrary to the law.

16. Indemnification

The customer agrees to indemnify Product Delights from any claims or damages that arise due to their improper use of our services.

17. Third-Party Intellectual Property Rights

The customer is responsible for ensuring that all assets provided for use in our services do not infringe on third-party intellectual property rights.

18. Force Majeure

Product Delights is not responsible for any failure or delay in performance due to circumstances beyond our reasonable control.

19. Feedback and Reviews

Customer feedback and reviews may be used for service improvement and, with permission, for marketing purposes.

20. Applicable Law

These Terms shall be governed by the legislation of the jurisdiction where Product Delights is located.

21. Acceptance of Terms

By subscribing to a plan, making a one-time purchase, or using the services of Product Delights, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with any part of these terms and conditions, you should not subscribe to or purchase our services.